CEO's final scene - present.Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus).Scientific classification.Kingdom: Animalia.Phylum: Chordata.Class: Mammalia.Rating: Lagomorpha.Family: Leporidae.Fischer de Waldheim, 1817.
Rabbit (English: Hare, Rabbit) is the phylum of animals with spinal axis. The mammal Of rabbits (Lagomorpha) in the family Leporidae.
1]Despite rabbit like rodent rodents (Rodentia), but was held out for the first separately. The number of teeth that are not equal. The rabbit is a rodent jaw two rows stacked on row two molar teeth on each side, 6 rib and lower molar teeth on each side 5 times chewing. Rabbits will chew on the tooth and two alternates. Unlike rodents are chewing motion moves the page.
Rabbit animal mammal smaller. Around the torso with feathery tail short, rounded ears, a long, compared to other animals. Which evolved for sound as well. And a sense of smell is very good. Rabbit has front legs with rear legs are 5 inches long and 4 inches is the hip power. Packed with muscle. It can jump as well. Feathers are soft under foot support to prevent noise when moving. Animals scare easily and are very active in the active vigilance disaster. In addition, the eye of a rabbit eye or eyelid to three layers together [1].
Rabbits are herbivorous animals only. Unlike rodents that eat both meat and plants. Including rabbit food. Grasses and vegetation of various types of rabbits, the average life expectancy is 2-3 years from a very fast animal reproductive years, a rabbit can produce up to 2-3 times for about 2-3 rabbits in nature. Usually live in open plains, the prairie than forest. By digging underground burrows and nesting habitat. The hare in nature. When a newborn is born. And the next day I was able to run and jump. When the female will give birth to rabbits. Is separated from the nest to dig a new nest. To protect the weak from the buck This could kill the baby rabbits are born. Limited transportation will accommodate themselves to the new paving will occur.
Rabbit species in all regions of the world. Do not leave even the Arctic. Continents except Oceania and Australia Divided into 11 genera (see the table) [2] is found only in the Hare (Lepus peguensis).
In addition, in astrology. Rabbit zodiac is represented by the fourth year of the Rabbit is the symbol of the rabbit [5].
Current pet rabbits became humans in terms of being a pet. And animals to eat. By rabbit species to develop species as well as the pet. By many to be the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with a traditional homeland in Europe [6], which is a beautiful rabbit species with many varieties. It's a different size to the size of the body such as the Netherlands Dwarf, Polish Surratt bit, Holland Development, a small rabbit and English lakes have a large rabbit, etc.